Thursday, June 17, 2010

What inspired me to start writing?

I was intrigued by the language in the books that I read. As a youngster, I realized that an artful arrangement of words on the page conveyed a meaning beyond the stories they were used to tell, if that makes any sense.

For example, a passage in Robert Louis Stevenson’s Kidnapped seemed to resonate with me. It’s in the first chapter as the main character, Davie, who has been orphaned, leaves his hometown and is asked by Mr. Campbell, the minister of Essendean, if he were sorry to be leaving. Davie replies, “Why, sir, if I knew where I was going, or what was likely to become of me, I would tell you candidly. Essendean is a good place indeed, and I have been very happy there; but then I have never been anywhere else.”
Stevenson could have written that verbal exchange in any number of ways, but he arranged those words in that particular order to very good affect. And, a few lines later, Davie, the narrator, remarks that “My heart was beating hard at this great prospect now suddenly opening before a lad of seventeen years of age.”

To my mind, there could not be a better invitation than that for the reader to experience the adventurous tale that unfolded on the pages of Stevenson’s book.

So, as I continued to read throughout my life, I became more and more intrigued by how and why various writers arranged the words the way they did — like fitting the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together just the right way to form a picture. And I wanted to be able to do that myself.

To my delight, I discovered early on that I had a certain facility with words and, along with a good imagination and encouragement from family and some of my teachers, I decided to become a writer. That eventually led me to a career in journalism and non-fiction writing. All the while I have continued to write poetry and fiction and enjoy the challenge and satisfaction that brings. It’s fun as all get-out.

-Dave Autry

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. I am a fiction writer living in Rockville. How do I go about joining the Rockville Writer's Group?
